7:30 – Wake up (late) and
sweep. Make oatmeal and coffee for breakfast (thank you to my Grandpa Frank for
both!) Eat and clean dishes.
8:30 – Clean dishes, set up on
porch. Make to-do list for the week, write in journal, and do a couple of
crossword puzzles.
10:00 – Walk to commune office
to find the adjoint mayor. Both my counterpart and the adjoint mayor are there
and I ask them about using two outside walls of the EPP (primary school) to
paint a big malaria mural and a World Map, a common Peace Corps project. They
love the idea and Nicholas says he will find the director of the EPP later in
the day to double check about using the space. Also catch up with Nicholas
about our well project. We have found a technician in Ambilobe who is willing
to build the wells for a great price and Nicholas says he will talk to him
further when he goes into town this weekend.
11:00 – Walk home and get my
bike to ride over to my family’s house on the other side of the village. Spend
an hour grating coconut for hair oil and gossiping with my mom, help finish the
day’s cooking, and eat lunch. There’s so much kabaka (the side dish served along with the obligatory rice) today:
fried fish, leftover crab sauce from yesterday, and beans. My sister, Belia,
and our zoky (older sister), Bebe,
who is visiting are in Ambilobe for the day so I play ball with my two nieces,
Jenny and Noela, and my nephew Pauly in front of the house with the new rubber
ball Bebe and Paoly brought as a present from Diego.
2:30 – Bike home. Stop at
market for phone credit and they tell me there won’t be any until Thursday,
market day. Buy cucumbers, onions, potatoes, and soap.
3:15 – Heat up leftover coffee
from this morning and set up on porch to start a new book – “Restless” by
William Boyd. The Peace Corps doctors call me to say I have to go up to Diego
within the next two weeks to get a flu shot they are flying up today to the
meva. This is a big hassle but apparently required.
4:00 – My kids stop by and I
give them magazines to look at on the porch. They love flipping through the
pictures and choosing their “families” from the pictures. All of the white
women are either my mom or me and all of the darker skinned models are in their
4:45 – Go for a 30 minute run
and do 30 minutes of strength exercises in my house before it gets dark.
5:45 – Bathe.
6:00 – Make dinner by
candlelight. Tonight is cucumber, tomato, onion salad with vinegar, salt, and
6:45 – Get in bed and read.
8:15 – Prepared for the termite
symphony tonight, I put in earplugs (thank you Jill Beckerman!) and go to
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