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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Saturday, August 4

·        5:00 – Wake up early to run but forget that winter = dark until 6:00 am.
·        5:15 – Shower, sweep house, fill water filter (coming back to Betsiaka with no water in the filter is always a huge disappointment), and cook. Breakfast today is my last two eggs scrambled with the leftover eggplant sauté. Eat and drink coffee.
·        6:00 – Put gas tank and backpack out on porch.
·        6:15 – Riche arrives, loads my stuff into the car, and I leave on my bike.
·        8:00 – Meet Riche at the parkage in Ambilobe and leave my bike with him while I go sell back my empty gas tank.
·        8:45 – Return for my bike and backpack and head to the station to catch a brousse for Ambanja. Find a brousse pretty quickly. One of my Panera (brousse “assistant” who helps find people to ride, takes care of baggage, and drives the brousse around the city to pick people up before leaving) tells me not to go with this driver because he is mora mora (very slow). I go anyway and immediately regret not listening to him.
·        1:00 – Finally arrive in Ambanja after seething through an extra two hours of deafening Gasy radio and swerving around potholes.
·        1:15 – Meet Jason and Katie at Gringotts (our name for our favorite neighborhood gargotte – actually every frequently visited bar or restaurant has its own special name), where we order a beer and eat grilled calamari.

Ambanja Crew at the Good Life

·        2:30 – Go back to Josh’s house and watch an episode of Homeland, a (new?) show Katie wants to introduce me to. I am instantly hooked. I also am able to check my email and find out I have been matched with a elementary-school classroom in Michigan for a WorldWise Correspondence program, meaning I will basically be “pen pals” with this classroom for the remainder of my service and I can’t wait to get started.
·        4:00 – Walk over to Bat Bar (again, not it’s real name but a nod to the fact that it serves fried bat… I should do a whole post about the world of Ambanja bars and restaurants). Bat Bar is one of our favorite hangouts because of a small upstairs porch with only one table. We are the only ones who ever use it and we often hang out there all afternoon reading, playing our own music, and working.
·        5:00 – Walk over to the Sambirano bridge, which is an excellent place to watch the sunset over the river at Bridge Bar (name self-explanatory).
·        6:00 – Eat a dinner of beans, crab sauce, and rice at the Southern Parkage.
·        7:00 – Meet the Italians at Good Life (named for a previous volunteer’s slight mistranslation of the real name, Bellevie).
·        10:30 – Katie and I walk home with the Italians to go to sleep. On the way home, I see the constellation the Southern Cross for the first time and am excited to finally see the subject of one of my favorite songs. 

Friday, August 3

·        6:30 – Wake up and immediately have a craving for oatmeal (maple and brown sugar, thank you very much).
·        7:00 – Shower, sweep, cook oatmeal and coffee, and head out to porch for my morning lounge/work/read session.
·        8:15 – Eat and read.
·        9:15 – Tackle the laundry from yesterday’s maggot extermination. Today’s load even includes my Bananagrams case, which the maggots also decided to destroy. Bastards.
·        10:30 – Decide it’s finally time to get dressed in real clothes (as opposed to a lamba, a traditional wrap for women in beautiful patterns, similar to but less complicated than a sari, that most village women all day every day). Going through my suitcase, I see a pair of shorts I bought last month that are too big and decide to sort through the rest of my clothes for things I don’t want or need anymore and give them to Belia.
·        11:00 – Bike to family’s house and present a very excited Belia with a bag of new clothes - she loves shopping and fashion. My brother comes in and decides to turn on the generator because he wants to watch… THE OLYMPICS! Having totally forgotten these were going on, this is a great surprise, and we spend the afternoon watching track and field events. So fun. Go USA. Remember it’s Luca’s birthday today and Belia gives me a t-shirt and money to buy a beer for him when I go to Ambanja this weekend. We eat a late lunch of coconut chicken. Before I leave, my mom, very uncharacteristically, approaches me shyly, and says she has been thinking for the past couple of weeks about what she wants from the US (I wanted my parents to bring her a small gift but was unsure what she would want) and she has decided. She wants a watch just like mine. My watch, by the way, is a $9.00 target purchase that she loves because it can get wet, i.e., she wouldn’t have to take it off to do laundry, her main daily chore.

·        3:30 – Bike home and pack my bag for tomorrow. I am going into Ambanja for a couple of days for the fete de veloma (goodbye party) for Josh, Jason, and Katie, three volunteers that arrived exactly one year before me in the Health/Education Stage 2010. I am really sad to see them go.
·        4:30 – Go for a 30-minute run, come home, and do some yoga and stretching for 15 minutes.
·        5:15 – Shower, sweep, and look in my food bag to see what’s left for dinner. I have an eggplant, two tomatoes, and two potatoes, so vegetable sauté it is. Don’t feel very hungry when dinner is done, so I cover the food and decide to go to PSI.
·        6:00 – Walk to the EPP for the second PSI night. Tonight is about clean drinking water (basically using Sur’Eau) and Malaria, and the presentations are much better than last night as there is much more audience participation. At the end of the evening they publicly thank me for inviting them to Betsiaka. Unfortunately, there are no pictures of the event because my camera was stolen about a week ago. 
·        8:15 – Walk home, eat some eggplant and an orange, and wash my feet.
·        8:30 – Get in bed and finish book before falling asleep. 

Thursday, August 2

·        6:15 – Wake Up

·        6:30 – Go for a 30 minute run. The road is very crowded today because it’s market day! Everyone is biking or hauling on cow-carts vegetables, fruit, clothes, and various wares to sell in the village. See Riche, my town driver, on the road and ask him if he can come pick up my gas tank on Saturday morning. Most volunteers cook on little gas stoves and, depending on how often and what food you cook, the tanks need to be replaced every 5-10 months.  I can’t carry the tank back in to Ambilobe to be exchanged on my bike so I hoped Riche could drive it in for me and meet me there. Come home and do 30 minutes of strength exercises in my kitchen.
·        7:45 – Sweep, do a well-run for water, shower, hang running clothes out, get dressed. Attempt to refill my water filter but notice is it extremely dirty and spent 20 minutes cleaning the filter with an old toothbrush.
·        8:45 – Make breakfast of eggs and coffee and eat on porch.
·        9:00 – Journal, do some crosswords, read, go over itinerary with my parents so I can make reservations in Ambanja this weekend for hotels.
·        10:30 – Walk to market. Look for Belia, my sister, to help her sell some bed linens she has bought from Tana but a friend tells me a Gendarmes lehibe (important person) has come in to visit so she has stayed at home to host; My host brother is the chief of the Gendarmes in Betsiaka. Walk home to get bike and head out for family’s house. Stop by Nicholas and Suzanne’s to ask if I can come for dinner instead of lunch and we chat for a while.
·        11:45 – Bike to family’s house. The Lehibe has left but lots of people are gathered around talking about the strikes. I am happy to be able to participate in the conversation and they ask me how strikes work in the States.
·        2:30 – Bike home and determined to tackle the maggot problem. Take out all the books and materials on my bookshelf and spend the next hour and a half dumping out thousands of maggots all over the porch and picking out pages and books that are salvageable/still readable. End up throwing away most of the books, as they have been completely eaten through. Cut out some plastic strips from my table cover and line the inside of the little shelves to (hopefully?) prevent further problems. This is maybe one of the grossest tasks I have done in Madagascar.
·        4:00 – PSI arrives! PSI is an organization that works in most regions throughout Mada on various health issues such as family planning, HIV/AIDS, malaria, potable water, diarrhea, and mother and child health. They have a really cool program where they will bring a portable “cinemobile” to small villages and spend two nights doing presentations to the community on any number of health subjects using pop culture, videos, and music (basically the draw of technology) to get people interested. I had asked them to come back in January but they said they had to wait until the road was better… 8 months later they have arrived! We chat for a while, they give me advice on my termite problem (Just spray your [small wood and dried leaf house] in gasoline! Thanks, but no thanks.), and we make a plan for the evening. They leave to drive around Betsiaka blasting music from their car and announcing the program over a loudspeaker.
·        5:00 – Walk to Suzanne’s to help prepare for dinner but everything is already ready from lunch. Nicholas has exciting news and we sit and meet about our water projects. We met a technician in Ambilobe a few months ago who has built some pumps in the city and Nicholas asked him if he would be willing to come to Betsiaka and help us build. Nicholas says he sounded enthusiastic and was willing to give us a great price, which means I can start applying for funding for the pumps! I am planning to go through an organization called Water Charity, an international NGO that provides funding for Peace Corps water projects.
·        6:00 – Suzanne, Rozia, and I walk over to the EPP where PSI is holding their event. They present on HIV/AIDS and family planning to a big crowd. The presentation is a little disappointing. I’ve seen them be very interactive and engaging in the past and I felt like they showed too many lengthy movies, but at least there was a public conversation. I know a lot of people in Betsiaka who still believe in one of three myths about AIDS: 1) It doesn’t exist. 2) It’s only an “African” disease, i.e., not in Madagascar. 3) It’s created by white foreigners to scare and control people in developing countries.
·        8:00 – Walk back to Nicholas’ house and we eat a late dinner.
·        9:00 Suzanne and Nicholas walk me home and, exhausted, I go straight to bed.

Wednesday, August 1

·        6:30 – Wake up and think about going running for an hour but don’t feel great.
·        7:30 – Finally get out of bed, sweep, take a shower.
·        8:00 – Make breakfast: 2 egg omelet with tomato and coffee. Eat and dishes.
·        8:45 – Set up on porch and drink coffee while I write in journal and do crosswords.
·        10:00 – Walk over to clinic and see Nicholas chatting with doctor. He still hasn’t found Chef Japs.
·        10:30 – Bike to family’s house. Help my mom dye her hair black, play ball with the kids, and hang out. Bebe asks if there are any mosquito nets at the clinic and unfortunately we have been out for a long time but PSI (Population Services International) is coming to Betsiaka tomorrow for health presentations and they usually bring some to sell.

My mom in Betsiaka with faux-bands 

·        1:00 – Eat lunch with family. We have one of my favorite Malagasy meals – Felomahogo, crushed cassava leaves, often with meat or fish and, in the north, with coconut.
·        2:30 – Bike home, sweep, nap, and start new book – “The Heart is a Lonely Hunter” by Carson McCullers.
·        4:30 – Plan lesson for today’s English club. Decide to do “the family” and have everyone make a family tree.
·        5:00 – Walk to EPP to teach. Wait 20 minutes but no one shows up today. It has been a few weeks since we have been able to have the club so I assume people thought it wasn’t happening.
·        5:20 – Walk home and sit at doctor’s house to chat with his family.
·        5:30 – Suzanne, Nicholas’ wife, and their daughter Rosia, arrive at my house. They are my two most enthusiastic English students and apparently had lost track of time but still wanted to study today. We decide to do the lesson at my house with just the three of us and we set up on my porch. They have fun learning about the family but creating a family tree seemed to be slightly too ambitious of an activity since we spent too much time just learning what a family tree was and how it worked. I also tell Suzanne about looking for Chef Japs and she says she has seen him earlier that day and that he might be in his house. She also tells me she is planning to make felomahogo tomorrow and wants to know if I want to come over for lunch! I enthusiastically accept and tell her I’ll come early to help cook.
·        6:00 – Walk Suzanne and Rosia halfway home and then head over to Chef Japs’ house. Only his daughter is home and apparently he is already in Ambilobe.
·        6:15 – Walk home, sweep, shower, and make dinner. Cucumber, tomato, and onion salad again.
·        7:00 – Wash dishes and get into bed to read. When I take a book from the shelf next to my bed, I notice that it is covered in maggots and most of the inside has been eaten. Scared to look at the rest of the books, I put it outside and put it on tomorrow’s to-do list.
·        8:30 – Sleep
·        10:00 – Wake up to phone – Luca calls to say he has bought tickets to come with my family to Ile St. Marie! 

Tuesday, July 31

·        6:15 – Wake up and do a little bit of laundry from yesterday
·        6:45 – Go for a run and meet the doctor on the road who is returning from strike meetings. Along with all of the teachers in Madgascar who have been on strike for the most of this year, the doctors are now striking as well. For many students this has meant that they will have to repeat the same class next year. For everyone, the doctor strikes have meant the already inadequate health care services are even less available. In Betsiaka, there has been a big spike in infant deaths over the past two months from Typhoid fever.
·        7:20 – Do 10 minutes of yoga
·        7:30 – Sweep house, take trash to neighbor’s burn pile
·        7:45 – Shower, rinse out running clothes
·        8:00 – Make coffee and eat bananas and peanut butter for breakfast. Eat and wash dishes.
·        8:30 – Read, write two letters to stage mates.
·        10:00 – Walk to the office again to meet Nicholas. He says he was unable to find Chef Japs, EPP director, last night but will try to find him again today. He is also back and forth from Betsiaka at strike meetings in Ambilobe. I also ask him if he knows someone who can help me build a chicken coop – I’m planning on raising them when I get back from vacation in September – and he says he will ask around. The problem with living in strictly a gold mining town is the lack of people skilled in other trades.
·        10:30 – Walk to market to visit with friends. Buy meat again. Find phone credit at the big epicerie which they were saving until the rest of the credit in Betsiaka was gone so they could sell for almost double the price. Walk home.
·        11:15 – Start cooking the same lunch as Sunday but add two potatoes instead of cooking rice.
·        11:40 – Read until lunch is ready.
·        12:15 – Eat lunch and then sweep house
·        12:30 – Read on porch for the afternoon.
·        4:15 – Finish book; Highly recommend it! Make chamomile tea and write in journal. Walk over to doctor’s house and visit with him and his wife and daughter, who are visiting from Diego, where she is studying at the Lycee.
·        5:00 – Head over to clinic with doctor to talk to some patients who have arrived outside. Two new cases of malaria.
·        5:45 – Go home, eat leftovers on porch, and wash dishes. Sweep, take a shower, finish tea, and start a new book in bed – “Oranges are Not the Only Fruit” – Jeannete Williams.
·        8:45 – Finish book and try to sleep despite termites.

Monday, July 30

·        7:30 – Wake up (late) and sweep. Make oatmeal and coffee for breakfast (thank you to my Grandpa Frank for both!) Eat and clean dishes.
·        8:30 – Clean dishes, set up on porch. Make to-do list for the week, write in journal, and do a couple of crossword puzzles.
·        10:00 – Walk to commune office to find the adjoint mayor. Both my counterpart and the adjoint mayor are there and I ask them about using two outside walls of the EPP (primary school) to paint a big malaria mural and a World Map, a common Peace Corps project. They love the idea and Nicholas says he will find the director of the EPP later in the day to double check about using the space. Also catch up with Nicholas about our well project. We have found a technician in Ambilobe who is willing to build the wells for a great price and Nicholas says he will talk to him further when he goes into town this weekend.
·        11:00 – Walk home and get my bike to ride over to my family’s house on the other side of the village. Spend an hour grating coconut for hair oil and gossiping with my mom, help finish the day’s cooking, and eat lunch. There’s so much kabaka (the side dish served along with the obligatory rice) today: fried fish, leftover crab sauce from yesterday, and beans. My sister, Belia, and our zoky (older sister), Bebe, who is visiting are in Ambilobe for the day so I play ball with my two nieces, Jenny and Noela, and my nephew Pauly in front of the house with the new rubber ball Bebe and Paoly brought as a present from Diego.
·        2:30 – Bike home. Stop at market for phone credit and they tell me there won’t be any until Thursday, market day. Buy cucumbers, onions, potatoes, and soap.
·        3:15 – Heat up leftover coffee from this morning and set up on porch to start a new book – “Restless” by William Boyd. The Peace Corps doctors call me to say I have to go up to Diego within the next two weeks to get a flu shot they are flying up today to the meva. This is a big hassle but apparently required.
·        4:00 – My kids stop by and I give them magazines to look at on the porch. They love flipping through the pictures and choosing their “families” from the pictures. All of the white women are either my mom or me and all of the darker skinned models are in their families.

·        4:45 – Go for a 30 minute run and do 30 minutes of strength exercises in my house before it gets dark.
·        5:45 – Bathe.
·        6:00 – Make dinner by candlelight. Tonight is cucumber, tomato, onion salad with vinegar, salt, and pepper.
·        6:45 – Get in bed and read.
·        8:15 – Prepared for the termite symphony tonight, I put in earplugs (thank you Jill Beckerman!) and go to sleep. 

Eight Days a Week

So many people ask me what I do on a normal day and it’s difficult to answer that question. It’s also hard to answer the question “how is your work going?” My work here is so different from checking off tasks on a to-do list from 9-5. At the most basic level, I’m supposed to be helping my village build the capacity to improve their own health status and facilitating cultural exchange. Specifically, the three goals of Peace Corps are:

Goal 1: Helping the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women
Goal 2: To help promote a better understanding of the American people on the part of the peoples served
Goal 3: To help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans

Having very broad objectives like these means that sometime I can go for two weeks at a time without doing “real” work, then spend the next week chasing down one person to try to meet, and the next doing something more tangible like teaching a week-long health class in school. If you talk to me on a week where it’s harder to tell exactly what “work” I’m doing, it may seem like Peace Corps is just about sitting and reading on my porch with kids and the next maybe I would be able to tell you I received funding for a clean water project and it seems like I’m accomplishing way more than I actually am. Who knows.

My dear, beautiful friend Marin, who is a TEFL volunteer serving in Cape Verde and Mozambique, did a post a couple months ago called “A Week in the Life” that chronicled her day-to-day activities over a random week. I thought it was a great way to give a sense of what I do on a day-to-day basis in regards to both work and simply living in Betsiaka. Like Marin, I thought about choosing a week where I knew I would have more to do but since every week is pretty different, I decided just to start.

Sunday, July 29
·        6:30 – Wake up to see Jason off. He was visiting Betsiaka for the weekend with John Shen, another great friend of mine from Wash U who is also serving as a health volunteer in Madagascar. For breakfast, we finish the leftover Thai-peanut pasta we had made the night before. One of the advantages of the cooler season (which is very unfortunately ending abruptly) is that it’s possible to save food overnight as long as it’s reheated well in the morning. Jason hopped on his bike to go the 30k to Ambilobe. The road, while still in horrible condition, is now possible to navigate in a little under two hours on a bike.
·        7:30 – Fetch water from well, take a shower, and get dressed. A note about bucket showers – I have come to not only enjoy these, but prefer them to normal showers. They’re such an amazing way to cool off, use considerably less water than a real shower, and I always feel cleaner.
·        8:00 – Sweep house. This is a two or three-times-a-day chore, especially during the dusty season – basically the entire year except for rainy season – because Betsiaka is extremely windy and dry and there’s pretty much constant billows of dust blowing into the house. Set up my laundry buckets on the porch and spend the next hour listening to my iPod and cleaning my clothes.

Laundry on the porch!

·        9:15 – Hang clean clothes out on line and refill water buckets from well.
·        9:30 – Make tea from bags I brought from the states. I’ve been trying to find citronella seeds so I can make tea just from boiling the leaves, but for now Jasmine does the trick. Take the first of my deworming pills (yes, I officially played host to my first African worms), and set up on my porch with work materials. Fill out leave request form to submit to Peace Corps for vacation with my family in September, go through rain water harvesting materials Jason left for me, and read about World Map project I am thinking of doing.
·        10:45 – Walk to market, stopping to talk to friends on the way. Everyone wants to know where my two visitors are and I tell them “efa nody!” (they have already gone home). Buy tomatoes, eggplant, cabbage, eggs, rice, two carrots (an expensive treat), and meat (another luxury but is available in Betsiaka on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays). With the road more passable now, we are lucky to have many types of vegetables available lately and I’m taking full advantage! For the past couple of months the options have been pretty much limited to tomatoes and onions.
·        11:15 – Walk home and throw carrots, cabbage, and meat into a pot to slow-cook, and sahafa (clean by picking through to get rid of the rocks and husks) my new rice until lunch.
·        12:00 – Eat lunch and do crossword puzzles.
·        12:30 – Take a nap on the porch.
·        2:30 – Wake up, put away dry clothes from line, sweep house again.
·        3:00 – Start a new book: “The Secret Scripture” by Sebastian Barry.
·        5:30 – Eat leftovers from lunch, wash dishes, and chat with my parents on the phone.
·        7:00 – Get in bed and read.
·        12:00 – Finally fall asleep after finishing my book, no thanks to the cacophony of termites that are aggressively chewing down my house. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Stormy Weather (Keeps Rainin’ all the Time)

I love rain. I think Seattle, Washington, the city in which I grew up, is the best place on earth. I had a tremendous amount of fun during a particularly wet monsoon season in southern India. I bought my first pair of rain boots in college to be able to play outside during the torrential downpours sent by the completely unpredictable Missouri Weather Gods. This past rainy season, however, has reminded me of the key ingredient for the privilege of enjoying rain: infrastructure. Compared to here, the rain is more constant in Seattle, more extreme and relentless in India, and heavier in St. Louis. But the daily afternoon showers here completely destroy the roads, accentuate disease, cut off food supplies, and immobilize communities. 

I have tried to leave my site three times since the beginning of January. The distance from my village to the nearest town is 30 km along “national highway 7” aka, “one-of-the-worst-dirt-roads-in-the-country-that-has-the-privilege-of-providing-the-only-connection-between-the-east-and-west-coasts-in-the-northern-half-of-Madagascar.” Because traveling along this road in the rainy season has pretty much defined my last three months, I have decided that the best way to illustrate this time is to describe these three attempted escapes from site.

#1: The Brousse from Hell
About a month after returning back to site in January I received happy news: Peace Corps had finally sent our bikes and mine was waiting for me in Ambanja! I made plans to leave on a Saturday to go into town to use the bank, the post office, and pick up my bike. On Thursday, I walked over to the village driver’s house where he said he would pick me up from my house at 6:00 am Saturday. On Saturday morning I got up at 4:00 to kickbox for 45 minutes in my house (I went through a big P90X obsession), showered, ate breakfast, swept, and sat on porch to wait. 6:30, no car… 7:30, no car… 8:00 my doctor walks over, asks why I’m waiting, and laughs when I say I’m waiting for Jeanriche: “There’s no way he’s driving to town today! Look at the road!” I waited another hour before squelching barefoot through the mud to Jeanriche’s house (I had long since learned both through observation and experience that shoes are useless during the rainy season – R.I.P. Havana and Vineyard Vines flip flops). Jeanriche was sitting on his porch drinking beers. “Jeanriche, I thought you were going to pick me up to go to Ambilobe today?” He laughed too and told me he might be going next week if the road cleared. I turned to see Clavel, my brother, walking by and when I explained the situation to him, he suggested I go wait at their house for a camion to come from Sambava. (This “national highway” where I live connects Ambilobe in the west to Sambava in the east. These regions are otherwise totally isolated from one another, though only 150 km apart, and huge trucks often come through carrying people and supplies). Camions are huge and—the floor of the bus is about the height of my chest – and slow. Being used to Jeanriche’s tiny run-down car or the normal 12-person-capacity-30-person-reality taxi, I thought a camion sounded fine. I walked back to their house with Clavel and proceeded to sit and wait for the next one to come. Eight rainy hours later, a camion, now completely brown with mud, rolled up for its gendarmes inspection in front of the house. Cue the vazaha calls. Seeing me sitting on the porch watching, a guy in a too-tight striped t-shirt and studded jeans jumped off the bus and started making lewd gestures at me along with “Ohhh vazaha! Oh Cherie! Oh Cherie-naka! Tu es très belle! Avia! Tu es maries?” Great. I kissed my family goodbye, walked up to the bus and sat down next to someone else. Determined to keep playing the game, he continued yelling at me in French to sit next to him. I told him no. “Pour-quoi?” In Malagasy, I told him no I was not married but engaged, I was not a vazaha but a white Malagasy, I was not his “cherie,” and I didn’t want to sit next to him because he was rude, all of which won lots of laughter from the 50 people behind us and a round of applause from the man sitting next to me. The bus pulled out at 4:00 pm. During the dry season, it takes me about 45 minutes to go in a car from my site to Ambilobe. I decided to give the bus two hours to make the 30-kilometer trip. An hour-and-a-half later we were still at sign-post 25. Hitting a particularly flooded spot, the wheels started spinning as we sank lower and lower into the ground.

Mr, Stripes pipes up again.

“Okay, I am sorry. I will buy you dinner. I was rude but I didn’t know you were coming on this bus.”
“No, that’s okay I can buy my own dinner. You shouldn’t be rude even if you thought you wouldn’t see me again.”
“Okay, I will buy you dinner. Also I live in Tana. I will send you vegetables from the highlands every week. Give me your number so I can have them delivered.”
“No, that’s okay, I don’t need more vegetables. And I only use my phone for work.”
~longer discussion about how I won’t give him my number~
“Okay, okay fine. I know where you live so I’ll just have the vegetables dropped off at the hospital.”
“Fine. I like vegetables.”
“Good. Now we will be friends. You are my best friend. Am I your best friend?”
“Why not? You don’t have Malagasy friends? You are my best friend!”
“I have lots of Malagasy friends. But I already have a best friend.”
“Okay. That is fine. You will be my best friend I don’t have to be yours. Best friends. [now in English…] YOU MY BEST FRIEND!!”

More laughter from the back. All of sudden shouts start coming too… “Best friend!!! Best friend!!! Best friend!!! If I say now how long this exercise kept the crowd entertained I will ruin the rest of the story of my escape to Ambilobe. The entire rest of the ride was regularly interrupted with “BEST FRIEND!! Tee hee hee.” Eventually this got old and they switched to using whatever other English words they knew interspersed with “friend.” Every five minutes someone shouted at me “BEST FRIEND!” “BEST CARROT!” “BEST VAZAHA!” “BEST GIRL!” “BEST EAT!” Apparently its level of hilarity never ceased.

So after this initial conversation I looked out the window only to realize we had been in the exact same spot spinning our wheels for about 30 minutes. The bus driver finally had everyone get out. While a few men got shovels and started digging, the rest of us bought rice from a woman whose house we were stuck outside of. (I also got a fish, as Stripes insisted on finding me something special).

20 more minutes, getting dark, no progress. Out comes the rope.

After another hour the bus driver announces we are officially stuck for the night and will try again in the morning. I considered getting my bags and walking back to my house but a 3-mile trudge by myself through mud, in the dark, during heavy rains, and with my laptop in my bag sounded even less appealing than spending the night on the bus next to Stripes. Over the next 14 hours of not quite sleeping in the sweaty, crowded, smelly bus, the worst part was actually the fact that the bus was tilted at so steep an angle that I couldn’t sit or lay down without slowly sliding down the seat, ending up in the aisle at approximate 8 minute intervals. Fortunately the rain let up during the night and by around 10 the next morning we were able to pull the bus out of the mud and get on our way.

Unfortunately about 10 kilometers down the road we repeated this get stuck/spin the wheels/evacuate the bus/play tug-of-war exercise, though we were lucky enough to only be stuck for an hour.

Finally through the worst of the mud, the bus broke down 2 kilometers from Ambilobe. We got off and walked in, arriving around 2:00 pm. After a quick lunch we took off down the cement road south where, 26 hours from the time of departure, I arrived in Ambanja, greeted by hugs and a cold beer.

Vowing never to take a bus or car during the rainy season again, my return to site took place on my bike. This trip included dismounting every 200 meters or so to walk through the thick mud. Upon reaching a spot that was too deep to walk through, and unable to lift my bike (weighed down by heavy baggage), I was lucky enough to be found by a group of young guys who, after getting a good laugh in, picked up my bike and carried it up into the hills while I waded through.

P.S. I have yet to receive my weekly shipment of vegetables from Stripes in Tana.

#2 The Crocodiles
So actually the second attempt was only that – an attempt. I was preparing to head out on my bike when the doctor arrived back from Ambilobe on his moto. He headed straight for my house with his camera to show me pictures from his trip back. Turns out the road was completely flooded. The pictures he showed me were of he and his moto being ferried across a long section by an old man who built a canoe several years ago for just this purpose every year. This impromptu slideshow was delivered complete with tales of crocodile sightings and warnings. Now, my experience thus far with Malagasy people is that they tend to point out that now that it’s rainy season, there are crocodiles in every single body of water. This includes small puddles. It usually turns out that these crocodiles have always been seen “by a friend.” However, after several recent conversations with friends who have actually seen the crocodiles and who have actually seen them attack people, I took him at his word and decided to skip the canoe and the crocodiles.

#3 The Bike

The third trip out from site was by bike and I planned to bike from Betsiaka all the way to Ambanja. About half an hour into my painfully slow ride, all of the bumping around caused my luggage rack to snap, leaving my bags in the mud. As I was about to turn around and walk back to site, a man came riding up on his own bike and stopped to help. He was also headed to Ambilobe, so he picked my bags up, strapped them onto his own (empty) rack, and proceeded to carry my luggage all the way to Ambilobe. Though it still took several hours, following him definitely sped up the journey as he turned out to be much better than me at finding the appropriate path through the mud. We chatted on the way there about his family, who lives in Ambilobe, and his wife, who was sick at the time, and he invited me back to his house for a visit. Once we reached Ambilobe, he took me straight to his friend’s shop where I got my rack welded back together and my tires pumped. Why, I don’t know, but I had decided to set out that morning with only a half a bottle of water, no food, and the equivalent of $1.25 in cash (to be fair, the whole point of leaving was it was time to visit the bank). I asked the welder how much it would be and he gave me a price slightly higher than what I had. I told him how much cash I had and he laughed and accepted my money. We went to visit my new friend’s family just outside the city and chatted for a while until I decided it was really time to set out. My friend biked with me a couple of kilometers to show me a shortcut to the main road and before turning around he told me I could not keep biking to Ambanja (another 100 kilometers) without any money and handed me 5,000 Ariary (about $2.50). Even though I refused repeatedly, he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so we decided if he was ever in Betsiaka again, he would come find my house and share a meal. After about an hour and a half more of biking I was exhausted, extremely thirsty, and it was starting to get dark. With about 65 more kilometers to go, I debated finding somewhere to buy water or trying to get onto a brousse and hoping I would have enough money to pay the fare. Brousse it was. I got off my bike and waited by the side of the road for about 30 minutes until an older woman walked by and asked why I was waiting. I told her I needed to get on a brousse going to Ambanja and, with raised eyebrows, she said she hoped one would come. She invited me to come back to her house a little ways up the road to wait, assuring me repeatedly to not worry – if the brousse didn’t come I could sleep in her hut! I was not thrilled about the idea of sleeping in a stranger’s tiny hut on the side of the road with no floors and no mosquito net, and though they would have fed me, they did not have nearly enough rice for themselves, much less to offer to a stranger. I crossed my fingers that a brousse would come by and pick me up. 45 minutes later the first brousse came… full. Second brousse, full. The fourth brousse that came by about an hour and a half later finally stopped and picked me and my bike up and headed to Ambanja – for a fee of 5,000 Ariary. Friend from the road, if you ever read this… THANK YOU!

So actually this last one was pretty much all my fault because of poor planning. But if the road hadn’t destroyed my rack… okay, still my fault. Now, in the beginning of May, the road is finally starting to clear enough for biking to be more feasible and 4x4 cars are beginning to run, only hitting a few big problem spots. Nonetheless, after a Peace Corps staff member saw the condition of the road in March, I am pretty sure they won’t be placing another volunteer at my site to replace me. I still love rain and most of what it brings but am newly thankful for paved streets in the states.

In Other News
Upon returning back to my village from our winter vacation trip, my counterpart (Nicholas) and I got straight to work applying the things we had learned from the December Project Design and Management training. The first step was a community-wide meeting to complete a series of exercises that served as an extension to the Community Diagnostic Survey I had been conducting during the fall. We invited everybody in the village to come and I was happy with the twenty or so people who ended up turning out. I felt much more confident conducting the meeting with Nicholas there to reiterate things I was having trouble explaining and help me facilitate smaller groups during the exercises. In the priority ranking matrices, both the men and the women came up with a list of almost identical priorities for Betsiaka:

1.     The need for another doctor, another school building, and for children to go to school
2.     The need for a better road
3.     The need for more teachers
4.     The need for a public kabone (bathroom)
5.     The need for clean water
6.     The need for electricity in the clinic

The top priority problems are tough. I’ve been thinking for a long time about how to encourage children to stay in school/parents to keep their kids in school when there really isn’t much incentive to get a degree. Most children don’t go to school because they are helping to search for gold. Even if they manage to get to high school, passing the final exam is extremely difficult and passing only means a better job or going to a university for a very small percentage of those students. If you will probably end up mining gold in Betsiaka whether you go to school or not, why go to school? It’s definitely something I will keep thinking about and working on. I’m considering starting a couple of extra-curricular clubs and student organizations to make school more “fun” and also setting up a peer-mentor health program but I think the two main factors are hard to address – a huge number of early pregnancies, causing girls to drop out, and helping families search for gold. Eventually I would like to build a women’s center in Betsiaka with services for girls and women including free contraception, family planning counseling, information about healthy relationships, and other general resources designed to empower women. Other than that, I’m not sure where to start. Girls trip to the college in Diego? More family planning work? Feel free to post with thoughts.

The second priority issue is also a big challenge for me. At first, I partially dismissed the need for a new road as impossible and in actuality a lower priority than things like clean water. However, my recent experiences traveling down that road have made me realize actually how important it is to the health and all other aspects of my community. I included the stories above about my adventures into town… luckily for me, I wasn’t sick and I had no urgent need to get where I was going. However, I have now seen four people die traveling along that road trying to get to the hospital in time. One was a woman with eclampsia who waited until she started seizing to come into the clinic. Anothers was an older man being carried the entire 30 km on a chair by five of his family members who only made it about 2/3s of the way. It is often that I venture part-way down the road with my doctor when he points out a group of people veering off into the bush. “Olo maty,” he says. (Dead person). With no way out and no way in, being sick is often a death sentence and being hungry is more of a problem – all the food being biked into the village is at least double the price and often doesn’t come at all. My Peace Corps doctor just visited my site on a routine yearly check-in and decided the only way to get me to help if I’m sick or injured is by private helicopter. Wish everyone had access to one of those. Or that we could just get the road paved… email the EU, which paved the road from the capital to the North? Unlike the rest of the country, where NGOs have a big presence and much volunteer work is happening, the North remains isolated and there is a much smaller presence of International (or local) aid organizations because of its inaccessibility.

As for the other issues listed, a new doctor has actually already been assigned to work part-time in Betsiaka, and another school building is something the mayor’s office is looking into. This good news leaves me with three clear projects to work on over the next year at my site: building a public kabone, building pumps for clean water, and getting some electricity for the clinic. Many people in the community are excited about these projects and, having identified the issues themselves, are eager to start working with me to make them happen, starting with fundraising. Yay!

The last work-related update is that I am in the process of starting a regional training for new health workers in HIV/AIDS in collaboration with Ryan, a volunteer in Diego. The proposal is for a week-long training for both volunteers and people nominated from various communities around the city – NGOs, women’s groups, schools, market groups, the MSM organization, commercial sex workers, etc. – in HIV/AIDS including epidemiology and history, prevention, treatment, awareness-raising, and project design and management. The hope is that each person or pair will go back to their individual community with the skills to start their own trainings and design projects as a peer educator, emphasizing condom use and testing. The week will culminate in a community-wide festival with artists, performances, speakers, and events to promote HIV/AIDS awareness, provide resources for people to take home, and, most importantly, provide free testing for every attendee. We will put on the training in three different cities across the Northern region of Madagascar – Diego, Nosy Be, and Sambava, working with the local governments, NGOs, and other PCVs in the region.

If you are interested in donating to any of these projects, please let me know and I can tell you how to donate either generally or for a specific cause.

Other than that, things are still going well here in Madagascar! Here’s some cool stuff that’s going on:
·      I am excited about my upcoming work projects
·      I just spent an amazing month traveling with my sister in both Madagascar and South Africa
·      While I am mourning my no empty mango trees, I am thoroughly taking advantage of avocado season – they’re huge here!
·      I just turned 24, so am naturally much older and wiser than yesterday
·      I am starting to plan a vacation to Africa and Madagascar with my parents in September
·      I am thinking about running the Tana marathon in November
·      I just completed the whole bike ride from Betsiaka to Ambanja – 130 miles on a heavy mountain bike with flip flops. (Thanks, Dad – if a ride seems too long, I just think about you)
·      The new stage just swore-in, officially becoming Peace Corps Volunteers. Three of them will be coming up north and will arrive in Ambanja tomorrow – welcome!
·      I have now been in country for 10 months and am continually surprised how fast time is passing. I can’t believe I have to start thinking about what I will do when I come back – what do I want to go to school for??

Speaking of month 10, we have a sheet up in the Meva house called “Critical Periods in the Life of a PCV” describing the different stages of service and what volunteers often feel. Here are months 7-10 (satire of course):

“They’re still staring!”
“Why aren’t face veils in fashion here?”
Remind all offenders, “at least I still have teeth!”
Voluntary house arrest
Villagers put a ladder up to your house to see if you’re still alive
Explain all behavior as “fomba ameriken”
Animal rights issues
Adopt a stray, unvaccinated dog or cat
Omby (cows) can’t get rabies, and you’re less likely to be tempted to give mouth-to-mouth
Decline in personal hygiene/appearance
Rationalize as cultural integration

Adopt a cat? Check! (He eats my rats – thanks, Max.) Decline in personal hygiene/appearance? Check! (Definitely rationalized as cultural integration). Call out people who still stare? Check!

But seriously, things are great. As always, thank you for your letters, emails, and packages! Hearing from home is a huge source of comfort and support on this crazy roller coaster that is Peace Corps.

P.S. I am so touched that everyone who has sent a package knows me so well -- almost everyone has included at least one bottle of red pepper flakes and some have included several. Unfortunately/fortunately this means I now have a lifetime supply of red pepper flakes in my tiny little kitchen. Please don’t send anymore!!! I have updated the list on the side of my page J